Friday, February 08, 2008

Guitar Hero 3 - Legends of Gaming?

Guitar Hero has been one of the most enjoyable series of games released, but is the idea getting old now?

Guitar Hero 3 sets out similar to the previous 2, but now there is a Wireless guitar on all 3 major consoles. This allows you to wander aroud your room, jump off the bed, go down on your knees without restriction, preventing you from being pulled back towards the console like on a bungee run, or, like how my playstation 2 died, pulling the console off of your desk.

To people new to the guitar hero series, the experience of playing the game is hilarious, challenging and fresh. However, to veterans, the format is exactly the same. Sure, the online modes are better, faster, and there are far more battle modes. To complete some stages you have to beat a 'guitar legend'. Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine), Slash (Most bands at some point in his life). This is, slightly different, but.. your still playing guitar.

It sounds like im having a go, but the desire to play through the single mode more than once is non existent. And there are only so many rounds of so called 'legend' bands you can play through until you get to any good songs (Reign in Blood by Slayer, One by Metallica.... thats pure class). I understand that the game cannot have huge rock songs every single one, but alot of the songs I have barely ever heard of.

However, overall i would reccommend buying this game, especially if you access to the internet. The ability to download songs has been freed right up, and even recent songs youve heard of are now relatively cheap. But remember, in the next couple of months, Rock Band hits the shelves. Thats the ability to play the guitarist, bassist, and now the drummer and singer too. ( Yes there are going to be a mic and a drum kit included), and with alot of hype surrounding it, you might be worth holding on for that.

New Game Scores, 1 word sum up and buy or not to buy..

Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock- 6/10 - chordy - personally, if you are short of money, wait till Rock Band.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.